Primary Battery Forced into MC Certification in Malaysia
Phase I: March 1, 2015
Phase II: September 1, 2015
The Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) has announced an extension to the transitional period for manufacturers and importers of primary batteries to comply with the mandatory safety regulations.
- For new primary batteries, the extended transitional deadline is on 1 March 2015.
- For existing primary batteries , the extended transitional deadline is on 1 September 2015
In order to comply with requirements local manufactures, importers, suppliers and retailers involved in the re-packing of goods must:
- Register with the KPDNKK
- Prepare a Certificate of conformity (CoC) based on test reports
- Put MC mark with registration number onto the product/package
The test reports must be issued from an accredited laboratory (ILAC) for the testing of primary batteries in accordance with Standards MS IEC 60086 Part 1, 2, 4 and 5 or IEC 60086 Part 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Primary batteries cannot be marked with the MC conformity marking unless all requirements under the Consumer.
Protection (Certificate of Conformance and Conformity Mark of Safety Standards) Regulations PU(A) 253 as amended by Regulations, and Consumer Protection (Safety Standards for Primary Batteries) Regulations PU(A) 276 are met.
Furthermore, from 1 September 2015, all primary batteries that are not marked with the MC conformity marking will be confiscated.
DEKRA China laboratories are accredited laboratory under ILAC scheme for the testing of primary batteries in accordance with Standards IEC 60086 series. Our test report can be used for your product registration in Malaysia
KPDNKK. We can also help you to get MC registration as well.

- 对于进口/生产/重新包装进入马来西亚的原电池,强制认证从 2015 年 3 月 1 日起启动。
- 对于市场上的现有原电池,宽限期至 2015 年 9 月 1 日。
2.基于测试报告准备合格证书 CoC
3.原电池产品/包装均须强制要求贴上 MC 安全认证标志
测试报告必须由认可的实验室(ILAC 体系)出具。原电池的测试标准依据 MS IEC 60086-1,-2,-4,-5或 IEC 60086-1,-2,-4,-5。不符合消费者保护法 PU(A) 253 和 PU(A) 276 的原电池,不得加贴 MC 标志。此外,从 2015 年 9月1 日起,所有不符合MC 合格标志的原电池将被没收。
DEKRA 德凯中国的电池实验室是 ILAC 体系的认可实验室,可以执行 IEC 60086 系列标准的检测,我们可以为 您申请马来西亚产品注册。如有疑问,欢迎联系我们。
DEKRA SE is one of the world’s leading expert organisations. The company currently runs activities in more than 50 countries on all five continents. More than 35,000 employees are committed to ensuring long-term safety, quality and environmental protection. The DEKRA Business Units “Automotive”, “Industrial” and “Personnel” provide professional and innovative services in the fields of vehicle inspection, expertise, claims services, system certification, product testing & certification, industrial & construction inspection, consulting, qualification and temporary work. In 2014, DEKRA will generate sales totalling approximately 2.5 billion Euros.
DEKRA 集团是一家世界领先的专业组织之一,业务遍布世界5大洲50多个国家。逾35,000员工, 致力于保证长远的安全、质量和环境保护。DEKRA 集团旗下有三个事业部门:汽车事业部,工业事业部和人事事业部。业务涉足12种商业领域:车辆检验、专家评估、二手车管理、类型核准与型式认证、理赔服务、工业及结构检验、材料检验与验货、产品检测与认证、运营确保与体系认证、咨询服务、资格培训、临时雇佣。DEKRA 集团提供质量保证、市场准入、风险控制以及绩效提升等专业服务。2014年,DEKRA 营业总额预计达到25亿欧元。